Monday, April 15, 2013

The Beginning

There I was fresh out of high school, the whole world ahead of me, and my head full of dreams and desires. Fresh faced and a bit innocent and sheltered I was, but I would soon find out just true that statement was. I grew up in a very strong Christian home, and to this day I hold my faith and beliefs strong at heart, but as I started to explore the world and what it had to hold, I have learned to be more open minded to the needs and desires that lay deep inside of me, things that you been taught from birth that are bad, and sinful. 

Well I am here to tell you that it is possible to be true to yourself in every way, physical, mental, emotional as well as spirituality and in your faith, that is if you chose to have one. I will be the First one to tell you that is fair from easy; it’s a small narrow road that you must walk, to find your true self. My place is as slave girl, a Kajira, more importantly. A fair cry different then the bdsm, submissive that people seems to think of when I tell them, I am a slave. Though before I go any Further into such things, let me make a few things very clear.

One, at least in the United States, I enter into a Master, slave relationship of my own free will. I allow him or her to have control over me, and to do with me as they see fit. And in the end if I am not comfortable with something I have the right to say no, and if i am ignored in my desire to stop, I simply leave. I am not weak minded , I do not allow men to abuse me for their sick enjoyment, Everything that is done inside a Master, Slave relationship , is meant to strength the bond between to the two , too pull down the walls of insecurity , self-drought , and such on , to foster a strong growing flowering relationship between the two . The Master , slave relationship is not far off from any other kind of normal loving relationship , it is built on love , and trust , but the way we go about things might be little different. 

Two, simply because you do not understand something, or feel that is not the right thing for you, does not make it wrong or immoral or anything of the short. What is right and works for one person might not be what works for another. He who is without sin cast the first stone. I am not here to be looked down on for the life I chose to live, I am simply here to express myself and possibly lend some in site to anyone that may be looking for direction and information.

          This is my story , my life and journey of self-exploration, to find my true self as real life Kajira , I hope that threw my writing , that I may be able to enlighten the open minded people of the world , what it means to me to be true myself , and in turn help others be able to do the same.

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